Photographer: Anastasiia Simonova @simonova_ph_
Model: Anastasiia Levina @lev.a.a @Standard Model Management
Makeup Artist: Ekaterina Sivchuk @sivchukea_makeup_artist
When did your passion for photography start and what were the main milestones that turned you into the artist you currently are?
Like most photographers, I started shooting as soon as I had my first camera. I was 14. Professionally, I started shooting two years ago when I bought my own professional camera. And now I'm 22 - I opened my own photostudio a couple months ago, and I finally can do photoshoots, that I like.

What role does social media play in your photography business?
Instagram is a main engine for photography business. I'm happy I live in 21th century, when everybody is free to show their art to the whole world. I also think about TikTok account - I would like to make a lifehacks for beginning photographers.
What is the secret for an image to become unforgettable?
I don't know this secret yet. When I'll become world famous artist I'll definitely inform you!
How important is it to be knowledgeable about fashion and the latest trends to be successful as a fashion photographer?
Unfortunatelly, I'm not a successful fashion photographer yet. But there is one thing I already got. It doesn't matter what are the latest trends - if it is not close to you mentally, you will not be able to shoot it truly.

What's the most important thing you want potential clients to know about you?
If you don't like my photos, dont'a ask me to make a photoshoot for you. You will not like the result.
How do you manage to make your models feel comfortable in front of the camera?
There are some tips:
always talk to model (ask about family, job, hobbies etc.);
put a mirror behind your back. Let to model take a look at him- herself during the photoshoot;
if you can't manage (you don't like a light and you don't knoe how to put it right for example) never show it to your model. If the captain panics, then the whole team panics.
You are going about conducting a photo shoot, could you take us through the typical planning process for your images?
If you follow to these simple steps of planning photoshoot, you will always have everything under control:
talk to client about everything before shooting (number of photos, main idea, moodboard, clothes, makeup, photostudio, final cost);
if you gonna make a TFP, find a good model, who can pose just like you want it;
always find references of poses and ideas (you have to have at least 15 references for one photoshoot). So, when you'll got your first 5 photos, that you had in your head, you will ba able to proceed the photoshoot without panic.

Do you have any practical advice to give the photographers who are trying to master retouching and shooting for their own business?
About shooting - you have to learn how to work with light first. Shoot as much as you can, learn technical part and then start to make art. Every artist learns how to work with paints and brushes before creating masterpieces.
About retouching - learn Frequency Separation and Dodge&Burn.
If you couldn't be a photographer, what would be your other career choice?
I would be an entrepreneur definitely. Maybe I would run my own restaraunt or showroom...
What are your goals/plans for the future? Is there somebody you are fascinated about and you'd like to work with in the future?
My main goal for now - create a photoschool for beginners. I like to share my skills in photoshooting and retouching with other photographers.
Where can we see more of your works and get connected with you?
Check my Instagram @simonova_ph_ !