Photographer: bruno angelo porcellana @brunoangeloporcellana
Assistant: Nonsolomodanews @nonsolomodanews
Model: Klery @_klery__b._
Makeup Artist: Lucrezia Brizzi @lucrezia_brizzi_mua
To begin, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how did you get into photography world? Do you have any formal training in your background?
My name is Bruno Angelo Porcellana, I was born in Asti, a little town near Turin ,but I was grew up in Milan, city of fashion and now I am living in Bologna. I am a journalist and photographer. The passion for photography has always been there, since I was a child, then with the passage of time I approached photography in a more professional way, even if I do not live by this activity. In the past I have attended various courses in photography and in particular in fashion.

What inspired you to get into fashion and beauty photography?
Fashion photography is creativity and I like this world, from fashion designers, to stylists, to models... clothes, make up and thinking how to best make the most of it.
What's the best part of being a photographer?
Create what you have in mind and that you try to do along a moodboard with all the accessories necessary for fashion and beauty photography
What do you love the most about your job?
The project when it takes shape and that you see all the things that align and that allow you to see realized what has been thought and designed
What is the best way to find work as a fashion and beauty photographer?
Surely social networks such as FB and Instagram are the first step to find work activity then word of mouth.

Do you plan each photo out or are they created more organically?
Depends on. Often others are designed, they are jet, it depends on the genre but when it comes to fashion a good part is planned.
What inspires you and what gives you ideas to create your beautiful images?
Many things. Looking at the images of other authors, looking at nature, everything can be a starting point for taking photographs.
Can your ideas change depending on the model you are working with?
Definitely yes. Often you do the projects first and then you look for the right model for the project. Long, short, red, brown, tall hair, etc.
From your experience, what is the key to getting the best out of a model?
There is not a single key to getting the best out of a model. It depends on whether she is a professional or an amateur. The first is used to working under stress while the second is not and then you have to put the models at ease to get the best.
Who is the person that inspires you the most and why? What will be the suggestions to new photographer?
I do not have a reference character and advice to give to a person who approaches photography but definitely study and experiment. Even if you are talented, this is not without studying

Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Certainly with professionalism of the fashion world such as fashion designers, stylists, Make up artists and professional models but it is very difficult if this is not a job and there are no budgets to support the projects.
What projects are you working on next, and what are your goals for the future?
At present, considering the time of year, we are finishing projects that began some time ago. The goals are to be able to do things that give satisfaction and self-esteem
Where can we see more of your works and get connected with you?
You can see my work on FB https://www.facebook.com/porcellanapage and on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/brunoangeloporcellana/