Daris, how did you get involved with modeling? Where are you based now?
I‘m based in London, my favorite city. Well, my story has started a long time ago when I was a child. I loved to try the dresses on, do a make up, and spoil my mom’s shoes. But no one knows that it will go so far... I started organizing beauty contest and conerts with all the girls from my street where I lived and ofcaurse I liked to be the “face” of the show. Was it a child’s joke or no, but all the neibourhood loved our concerts. Then My mom went me to a modeling school to turn this joke to the serious way to my dream. I love cameras, I like to pose, I like photografers. When I moved to London I started receiving offers from the local photographers.
Tell us more about your experience at the beauty pageant Miss Europe Continental.
First of all I want to say, I‘ve been extremely happy to be invited to this pageant. A lot of girls dream about this, attending castings, but I‘ce been invited. It says a lot about myself. Secondly, such type of shows are different from modeling. It was so hard to me to smile all the time and be cute. Why? When u do fashion in London , „strong face“ always goes hand in hand with you. But pageants are different format. It’s not really about a modeling, it’s more about being beautiful in a feminine way, showing your body and an ability to make the show and drama. Here you work for the ratings of the show. So I am so happy with my experience. I didn’t win but I reached the final and so proud of myself. Thanks God.
What was your first job as a model? How did it feel?
Well, My first job as a model was a shooting for a local brand in Adu Dabi. I was invited through my mother agency. I was excited but at the same time worried. International command, new country , new people. But I was so courageous about the job that I tool a risk and flew. My mom supported me a lot and I am very thankful to her for this. Also my agent was always in touch with me so I felt safe. It was extremely valuable experience for my future career and self confidence.

Besides modeling, what else are you passionate about? What are your hobbies?
I can spend hours dancing latina. I‘m really passionate about bachata and kizomba. It gives me energy, I‘m enjoying myself while I’m dancing. It helps me to feel as a woman as well as release the energy in a good way.
Who is someone you feel has really influenced you? Why?
Without any doubt, my mom. She always supported me. Anything I wanted to do and try she accepted and helped me. My father and a family was a very conservative one. Despite this fact, my mom made everything to help me to climb the modeling career ledder. Mom, I love you.
What keeps you excited about life in general?
My goal to make a vrand from myself and be everywhere, at wach phones, TV’a, magazines and shelves. And travel!!! 365 days per year. I believe that my life can be finished any moment. Even tomorrow I can’t wake up. So I’m trying to enjoy each second of my life. Even when I suffer from depression I try ti do my best and enjoy my bed space and pizza delivery. Also during corona time I felt lack of freedom. So now I can do my shootings again,walk everywhere, do what I want, meet with my friends.
What is your advice for people to be happier, healthier and more full of love?
My dear, first of all try to love yourself and enjoy yourself. Fall in love with yourself, spend time with yourself. Then, be thankful to the God, or universe, to yourself, to all your friends and family around who support you. It is an important step. When you give you receive more. And finally, do everything you afraid of or think it’s hard. Remember, you will bot loose anything, but you can be one step closer to your dream life. Be honest to yourself, and do the things which you enjoy, do not spend energy on being fake. Better make love with a partner you really like.

What is the most courageous thing you have ever done?
By that time I can say participation at the beauty pageant Miss Europe Continental. It’s been a new stage for me and my career. It’s so different from the magazines and brands shootings. A lot of cameras are everywhere, show, spectators and the most difficult is a competition. All girls are beautiful. I needed not only to work in front of the cameras, but be everywhere. In this game winns the most agile and cunning. It’s really challenging. I always has had to be in my best condition and full of energy because of the cameras. If u think that everything depends only from the catwalk show and a stage competition, you are mistaken. The jury start making their choice from the first step at the shooting place. So, always keep this in your head and use all the opportunities. Be everywhere!!
Is there an artist you are fascinated about or you would like to work with in the future?
As now after my participation in Miss Europe Continental I also want to imprive my media, I’m fascinated about Molly Mae-Hague. She’s the person who managed at her 23 attended the reality and not only attract the attention of the viewers, but also keep this popularity. Now she’s a creative director of PrettyLittleThings, she launched her cosmetics brand in Selfridges. For me it’s my target. I’m studying business administration and also want to aligned business and modeling, media life.
What kind of life would you like to have?
My biggest dream is to travel around the world for different shows, events and shootings. This dream which turned to a goal gives me a lot of power and energy. I wake up and go to bed with imaginations of me being on the red carpets, giving an Interviews, collaborating with brands, doing shootings for magazines. What can ve better than seing your face at the Vogue? Moreover, I love fashion and clothes. Everything public related to this will make me happy.
If you could change something on the planet, what would it be?
For sure I would like to change the relationships between people and their values. Use things and love people, not the other way around!
What are your goals for the near future and do you have any exciting project you want to share with us?
It’s a good question, because as I said after the beauty pageant I want to try myself at different shows and realities. I want to follow the success of Molly Mae and convert my popularity to a successful business. In othef words I will set my personal brand, I will make me as a brand. Follow my page @daris_sea to understand which strategy I will use for acheiving my dream.
Team Credits:
Model: Daris Sea @daris_sea
Photographer: Irina Caro @irinacaro_photo
Wardrobe Stylist: Uylia Kuzmenkova @yulia_kuzmenkova
Makeup Artist: Sokol Svetlana @sokol.beauty