Happy to have you here, Taylor. Tell us your story, how did you get started in your career and where is your home at the moment? Besides modeling, what else are you passionate about? What are your hobbies?
I have always been infatuated with fashion and eccentric campaigns. I started a PR company that crafts women, entrepreneurs, and brands through building them platforms across multiple digital platforms. While I am usually behind the scenes, I love creating and crafting creative campaigns and couldn't help but fall into modeling almost as a "guilty by affiliation" type bond. Most of my spare time is spent empowering others and creating campaigns and full online buildouts for individuals. I am passionate about building other's and found my eye in public relations far exceeds just PR work.

At what point did you realize that you wanted to be a creative person professionally?
I was going into my second year of collage when I started my first company and that was when I realized there were so many things I wasn't learning in school that I needed to learn in order to build my company. I began feeling trapped, and held back so I left school to pursue my creative visions.
How did you get through hard times in your career?
When I would hit an obstacle or a low in my career it really tested my perseverance and made me take a look in the mirror and question myself. When would this pay off? What was I working towards? Any time I got to these points, I reminded myself why I started in the first place. To build something for myself and be able to do every day what made me happy. To have the freedom to build something for myself that would allow me to be financially independent but that was my choice in the making.
How would you describe your work to someone who has never seen it?
I would say I lean on the edgy side of fashion. Being different is beautiful and I love things that don't fit in the norm.
What is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten and do you follow it?
What is one piece of advice you would give to others in the creative industry?
When you feel discouraged, remember what fueled the fire inside of you in the first place.

What does life look like for you now and where do you see yourself in the future?
I have been happily in a relationship for two years now and we are both fulfilled with inspiring others. We have companies together and are always creating new ventures and projects that service others. I would like to expand internationally and reach more women and entrepreneurs who are like minded and looking for guidance and growth.
Simon Atehortua did fantastic work on your hairstyle! How do you feel about working with him?
Simon Atehortua immediately gave off an energy that rubbed off on everyone on set. When I first met him in Colombia it was clear from the start that he was extremely passionate about his work. He not only did my hair but he put together the group of talented individuals who worked on the shoot. He brought the best of the best, from photographers, to makeup artist and stylist. It was incredible working with him and refreshing to see someone so passionate about his work.
Which role does traveling play in your life?
Traveling acts as a re-energizer for me not just as an individual but in business as well. I am lucky to have a significant other who loves to travel as much as I do and uses travel as a source of inspiration. Whenever we travel, it brings us closer and we find that we learn more about each other through experiencing other cultures and being enveloped by new food, architecture, and people.
How has the covid-19 pandemic affected your travels and business this year?
The pandemic forced me to pivot in business and focus on online e-commerce products that others could use and have access to online. During this time it has made me realize so many of us take for granted the small things. It improves our quality of life to show gratitude for the small things, and to build close friendships with family and friends. It's not about the "outside noise", society has so much going on at all times, it's nice to just be still. And be present.
What has been the highlight of your career so far and what are your hopes/dreams for the future?
Some of the highlights of my career have been connecting and helping so many other women who are likeminded and motivated not only in business, but in their mindsets, and healthy lifestyles. To empower others is empowering in itself.
Where can our readers keep up with your work and get connected with you?
You can find me and connect with me on Instagram instagram.com/q_tay or Facebook facebook.com/taylor.ping . You can see more of my work here instagram.com/hierarchymedia instagram.com/hierarchygrowth and my website //hierarchy.media
Photographer: Juan Lopez @jlphotographyusa
Photographer: Cristóbal Velázquez @cvrphoto
Creative Director, PR Agent, Motivational Speaker/Model: TAYLOR Ping @q_tay
Model: Bryce Cleveland @brycegcleveland
Wardrobe Stylist: Daniel Felipe Echeverry @danieldoble_e
Hair Stylist: Simón Atehortua @saimon.hairstyles
Makeup Artist: Susana Grey @sgreymakeup