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Color Fixate | Exclusive Interview with Faraad Haashim

Photographer: Faraad Haashim Model: Melissa Nunez Makeup Artist: Alexia Guerra
Photographer: Faraad Haashim Model: Melissa Nunez Makeup Artist: Alexia Guerra

When did your passion for photography start and what were the main milestones that turned you into the artist you currently are?

I picked up my first camera about 5 years ago in order to shoot an online course on manufacturing, nothing to do with photography. Leading up to that point I wrote myself off as a “creative” person and thought I was not gifted with that kind of mind.

It started out as just wanting to photograph beautiful sunrises and landscapes. Then everything began to bloom into a means of self-expression. Once I started to share my work on instagram and people began to reach out for collaborations I started to see that I was wrong in thinking I had no creative abilities.

Most recently I have reached a new milestone in working with other very talented creatives on editorial beauty work and submissions. Having a team of equally talented individuals is an awesome environment to be in and drastically changes the quality of work produced.

Photographer: Faraad Haashim Model: Melissa Nunez Makeup Artist: Alexia Guerra
Photographer: Faraad Haashim Model: Melissa Nunez Makeup Artist: Alexia Guerra

We admire the exquisite level of detail in all your works. Does your creative process start from a certain image in your mind, or do you seek inspiration as you progress?

I like to create some sort of mood board for inspiration and as a guiding idea for the theme of the shoot. I also really enjoy hearing feedback from teammates as I find this helps to expand the vision.

It isn’t always just pictures, sometimes a color palette or even a general idea can act as enough creative Inpso for my mood boards.

Could you share how you expand your vision of art, as a photographer?

My vision is constantly expanded as I feel I learn something new with the majority of my shoots. Each time I learn another aspect of photography I feel like there is even more room for growth.

I also tend to look at other artistic mediums, outside of photography, in order to learn more about art. A lot of my most recent ideas are sparked from television, paintings, or even songs I enjoy.

How hard has it been establishing yourself in the industry and what are some of the largest things you've faced?

Honestly, I was never one to network prior to the covid lockdowns. Thankfully I was able to get onto an app called Clubhouse late last year and met some really amazing people who have been vital to my development this year.

The ability to have genuine conversations with people who have been in the industry for years has been a huge blessing.

Photographer: Faraad Haashim Model: Melissa Nunez Makeup Artist: Alexia Guerra
Photographer: Faraad Haashim Model: Melissa Nunez Makeup Artist: Alexia Guerra

How has photography influenced you as a person and what do you love most about being a photographer?

I remember riding in the car, 5 years ago, and being amazed at how beautiful the sky and trees looked. This was on a road I had been down countless times, but with photography as a new hobby, my vision of how beautiful this world can be was expanded. It makes me much more appreciative of things I used to overlook, such as color, shapes, emotions, and scenery.

What would be your tips/advice to models looking to expand their portfolio?

The biggest tip would be to find a photographer who shoots the type of modeling you are seeking to get into; then pay that photographer to build your portfolio. Spending time collaborating toward getting an awesome book together may seem inexpensive but investing in quality will speed everything up and get you to where you need to be.

Are there any current projects you’re working on that you can tell us about?

I am most excited about my most recent beauty editorials shot in march which will all be published in various beauty magazines/platforms. I remember my first rejection letter from a magazine two years ago and how that felt. It is amazing what can happen when you take the proper time to master your craft and decide on where you will be.

Where can our readers keep up with your work and get connected with you?

Please follow me on instagram for more updates from me and my work! @FaraadHaashim


© 2022 by Marius Ciobanu

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