Photographer: Sha
Model: Angelica @aengeliq
Makeup Artist: Aishah
To begin, can you please give us a little intro as to what motivated you to become a photographer?
I started off as a landscape photographer exploring places. Later, I started capturing the moments of people’s life and turning them into memories. Photography is my way of visually expressing the art I see within my soul.
What are the most important lessons you have learned about fashion and beauty photography so far?
The most important element of fashion and beauty photography is to ensure that the edited picture to look natural.
What would you say is your style of photography?
My style of photography is keep things simple. I convey the objective of the session to people involved. I share my view on how it can be done and then request the model to pose the way she feels best
How long does it take to create one of these wonderful works?
My beauty shoot typically takes an hour, whilst the editing of the pictures could take between 20 mins to hour for each image.
How do you manage to make your models feel comfortable in front of the camera?
I ask the models to be themselves and not imagine they are in a shoot. Then, I strive to capture their dominant side with their prominent features within the first three shots. Once they see how beautiful they are, then the models feel confident about themselves and start feeling at ease.
From your point of view, what are the most difficult aspects of professional photography?
Sometimes it is really tough to satisfy the clients needs that are in their head. Apart from testing our resolve, it eats away the free time trying to give them what they want.
Are there any other photographers you lookup? Who?
I lookup to photography courses being offered by Karl Taylor and Aaron Nace.
In addition to being sharp and well lit, your photos are beautifully edited. What is your retouching/production philosophy?
My retouching philosophy is to keep the retouching to bare minimum so that the natural beauty is preserved
If you couldn't be a photographer, what would be your other career choice?
If not for photography, I would have been interested in having a pet store.
What projects are you working on next, and what are your goals for the future?
Next, am working on anime project series. My goals in photography is try different genre of shoots.
Where can we see more of your works and get connected with you?
You can follow me on to see my latest updates. Most of my works are uploaded on my instagram page (with a bit of delay).