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Julia Grechannikova: Love yourself, tell yourself every day that you are perfect!

Julia, how did your career begin in the world of beauty?

Almost 11 years ago I started my journey as a makeup artist. Since childhood, I was fond of drawing, graduated from art school, and tried to develop in this direction. In 2011 I graduated from my first makeup course. At first, it was just a hobby, but after a year, I firmly decided to move in this direction professionally.

How would you describe your signature look and what is it about your style that sets you apart from other makeup artists?

I would call my makeup anatomical makeup. I always rely on the appearance of each model, rather than working in the same way with everyone. My favorite phrase that I often repeat to my students is: "makeup is math, physics and anatomy! When you understand what you're doing and why you're doing it you get results that are just masterpieces!

Julia, what is the most exciting or challenging opportunity you had as a freelance artist? What's the project you are most proud of?

The real beauty of my work is that I surround myself with people who are really close in spirit. Whether it's my clients or my colleagues. We look in the same direction, and have similar interests and it gives an incredible sense of spirituality. I have many projects that I am proud of. But probably the most rewarding I think is the work I do with the social center and the girls who have been disabled for one reason or another. It's more than just a project. When you see how the eyes of each of them light up, you get to know them, listen to their stories, and then - tears of joy and a big hug. It's very moving. And it's really priceless.

Looking back, how has make-up artistry changed or influenced you as a person?

Working with people is always a big responsibility. You understand that for many people it's real magic. They close their eyes, and then they open them and see their new selves. And this result must be a source of encouragement. Over the years I have faced different people and different situations, and I can really say that it has really strengthened my spirit. I know when to be supportive when to reassure when to be silent or to encourage conversation. People come and share a piece of their lives with you and trust you. It seems to me that a visit to a make-up artist is like a visit to a psychologist. It is real therapy!

How do you keep up with all the new trends and styles? Where do you pull your inspiration from to help you with your work?

It seems to me that every creative person has his own source of energy and inspiration. I love watching movies. Especially old ones. I enjoy looking at details, and outfits and paying attention to the arrangements. Also books. Literature is my life. I can read books sleeplessly. It really stimulates the imagination, when you imagine this or that picture. Traveling. The feeling when you look around with excitement, learn about new places, people's culture, customs, and traditions, and admire the architecture - indescribable. And it can not help but inspire.

What do you think are some of the keys to being a successful makeup artist?

Perseverance . After all, not everything works on the first try. Fantasy. It is important to be able to look at the world from slightly different angles. Talent and hard work are a must. Because talent is only the basis, which must be strengthened and built upon. Observation. It is important to be able to notice even the smallest details that other people would not even pay attention to. The ability to perceive criticism and distinguish it from the simple negative (it should not be taken to heart). And if it is constructive criticism from professionals, it is a real lesson that will only help you to grow and achieve new heights.

Why is shooting for cameras and lights, different than everyday makeup?

Makeup, which is carried out for a photo or video shooting has its own specifics and it must be taken into account. The fact is that one of the important moments is to create the perfect matte tone, which will not emphasize the relief of the skin, as well as dense textures. It is very important that all the colors remain saturated. Consistency of the image. After all, a photo shoot is always an idea and its realization. All the details must be taken into account: the place, clothes, light, accessories, hair, and make-up. And then we will get the perfect result.

Why is having an MUA essential to a photographer?

I believe that the coordinated work of the team will always bring the best result. When the makeup artist works well with the model and carefully prepares the image, it makes the work of the photographer and retoucher much easier. And also it is a huge plus - you can discuss and think through the image in detail. After all, each specialist knows subtleties about his work that the other does not know. And it also affects the successful result of working together.

What is the most important beauty advice that you can give to women?

The first piece of advice from me, as a makeup artist: make sure you take regular and competent care of your skin. Your sleep schedule, your diet, the right cosmetic treatment - all these things are really important. Second advice, just as a normal girl - smile! As often as possible and sincerely! Love yourself, tell yourself every day that you are perfect! Ladies, you are really beautiful!

What are your future plans/goals for the next couple of years?

I would like to go to the next level: perhaps expand my staff, also find a few more teachers who will share my vision and to whom I can entrust this task. Collaboration and teamwork in other cities and countries. I already had this experience and I liked it very much.

Where can our readers keep up with your work and get connected with you?

You can follow and contact my Instagram - @Viteb4anka. I would be sincerely happy to have any communication

Nail Artist: Dasha @yolkina.d.nails

Hair Stylist: Darya Lapikova @hair_lapikova

Makeup Artist: Julia Grechannikova @viteb4anka Photographer/Retoucher: Stanislau Yolkin


You can read The MAIN ISSUE Vol. 29 here:


© 2022 by Marius Ciobanu

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