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Kaurdakova Irina: True beauty is a sparkle in the eyes

Photographer: Kaurdakova Irina @_irinafox
Model Alla Antonova @alicha1990vк

Irina, could you please briefly introduce yourself, and tell us about your first encounter with photography? Who has influenced you to start taking photographs?

I started my career as a photographer spontaneously) Half of my life I was a police officer and photography was a favorite hobby, hobby) However, at the age of 29 I radically changed my life) At some point in my life, I stopped and realized that I was not going to my dream, but from it) That's why I left the police service and took up my favorite thing - photography.

From your point of view, what are the most difficult aspects of professional fashion photography?

To surprise the client) Now the art of photography is so extensively developed that it is quite difficult to provide a really interesting and individual photo shoot project.

As the expert you are, what are the unique features of this kind of photography and the keys to master it?

The presence of imagination is mandatory; watching; constant training and raising the level of their work. Also, it must be remembered that each client (model) is unique in its own way, so you need to pick up the idea of shooting that suits him)

In your opinion, how beauty is perceived at the present age? What does photography mean to you personally and what really makes a woman or man beautiful?

Photography is a huge layer in art. For me personally, this is an integral part of life. This is a way to show your inner world, your faith in a fairy tale; to show people how beautiful they are and how sometimes, unfortunately, they underestimate themselves. True beauty is a sparkle in the eyes, a thirst for life that is easily "read" on the face. I can only capture it.

What type of models do you prefer to shoot with? Why?

Since I am a female photographer, of course I prefer working with women) The type of appearance does not matter at all, they are all gorgeous. I always say that)

Are there any other photographers you lookup? Who?

Irina Dzhul and Margarita Kareva. I really like their work, as it is filled with magic.

You are going about conducting a photoshoot, could you take us through the typical planning process for your images?

The most important thing is preparation. Before the photo shoot, I definitely visit the location, look at the best angles, make sketches of future photos, check costumes and props, equipment. During the photo shoot, I tell the model about posing, talk and joke so that she can relax.

In addition to being sharp and well lit, your photos are beautifully edited. What is your retouching/production philosophy?

With the help of photography, I strive to show a fairy tale, so in the subsequent processing of the photo, I try to achieve the effect of magic.

What would be your tips/advice to models looking to expand their portfolio?

Collaborate with photographers. It doesn't matter if it's a beginner photographer or not. Option, cooperation on the terms of TFP.

What projects are you working on next, and what are your goals for the future?

There are a lot of projects in my head, sometimes there is not enough time for their quick implementation. 24 hours a day is not enough for me) There is a snowy winter ahead, which means that it's time to prepare for the Snow Queen project.

I dream of opening my own art gallery so that I can help aspiring photographers and artists in promoting their creativity and talent.

Where can we see more of your works and get connected with you?

I am happy to see new friends on my instagram page @ _irinafox, as well as on my facebook page Kaurdakova Irina.


© 2022 by Marius Ciobanu

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