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Bruno Martinez: control and freedom on the Graphic and Creative aspects produce so much joy

Updated: Jan 6, 2022

To begin, can you tell us a bit about yourself and how did you get into the photography world? Do you have any formal training in your background?

My name is Bruno Martinez, originally from Barcelona but settled in Los Angeles in 2015. I am a Creative Director and Lead Graphic Designer. I've gained my knowledge and reputation by traveling worldwide to work and collaborate with relevant brands in the Tech, Advertising, Surf, and Fashion industries.

I studied Fine Arts and I specialized in Graphic Design and Motion Graphics, which in the process of learning all those aptitudes and techniques during the years, I found photography a natural medium to capture beautiful moments, which gave me the last piece of knowledge to be able to control the creative process from scratch to the end.

What fascinates and motivates you most being a creative director and Lead Graphic Designer at the same time?

The cool part of being a Lead Graphic Designer and a Creative Director at the same time is the vision that I've built over the years, allowing me to control the creative process perfectly. Combining both jobs into one enables me to play with the different possibilities and know the outcome for each decision; that specific control and freedom on the Graphic and Creative aspects produce so much joy and keep me fascinated every day.

Tell us a bit more about your work for Instaco.

As mentioned, my work is a combination of both worlds, the creative and the graphic. I ideate, plan and execute the creative direction for most of the brands under the umbrella of Instaco, but I also oversee and direct all the graphic design aspects to ensure that graphics, campaigns, and marketing material are aligned with each of the brands and also follow the vision of our talent.

What type of projects are dearest to your heart? Why?

I love creating full 360 campaigns. From scratch to build a creative direction and idea around a collection to, later on, shoot it and make it real. Then play with graphics and typography around all those final assets and see the final images almost as pieces of art on Magazines, Ads, Billboards, etc.

What advice would you give to someone looking at creating their own brand?

It's essential to understand your audience and create a brand that is true to yourself. Get surrounded by professionals and trust their advice. Behind any creative process, there's always a team that needs to paddle the same wave, so speaking up and listening is essential. Then it's worth trying it; the process is more fun than the finish line.

How would you describe your work to someone who has never seen it?

It's a mixed artwork; I put together everything I’ve learned during the years on combing graphic design, art, and advertising to create beautiful images that somehow are unique.

How do you use social media in conjunction with your business? What role does it play in your job?

Social media is crucial and necessary, but everybody needs to find their voice and dose. We work with talents with a significant influence and presence on social media, translating into the platform to give your voice to their authentic audience. For every campaign or asset that we create, we need to plan a social media strategy and show what we make to the people that want it. Social media has opened the door to everyone who has something to say; just don't take it that seriously.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

I would like to collaborate with so many exciting brands and people, but I guess the list starts with Tyler the Creator, Bad Bunny, and Kendal Jenner.

What was the most exciting project you have ever been on?

I am currently working on the most exciting project that will come to life soon. I can't talk much about it yet, but I can say that it's a Mobile App that combines everything we do with everything you like.

What exciting new project should we expect from you in the future?

We are launching a couple of really cool brands pretty soon that have huge potential and will make people talk. Also, the Mobile App that I mentioned before will be something that I am sure you don't want to miss.

Where can we see more of your works and get connected with you?

You can follow me on IG as @brucemartinez.

Also, special thanks to all the team which are part of the process for all these amazing campaigns and beautiful images that we create.

Creative Director: Bruno Martinez @brucemartinez

Stylist: Danielle Dehardt @ddehardt

Graphic Artist: Bruno Martinez @brucemartinez

Videographer: Kevin Cruz @kcruz4k

Producer: Chidi @sir.chidi

Hair Stylist: Jaycee Mnirajd @jayceemnirajd

Assistant: Vincent Luu @cytherial_

Makeup Artist: Jocelyn Johnson @jocelynjohnson_

Model: Chi Vo @chikimvo @Select Model Los Angeles


© 2022 by Marius Ciobanu

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