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Dara Dorsman: I always ask myself- What can I do to make my work stand out?

Photographer: Dara Dorsman @daradorsmanphoto
Model: Alice Riley @Blimey_riley
Wardrobe Stylist: Summer Brandon @summerbrandon
Set Stylist: Klaudia Janowska @claiope
Makeup Artist: Mary Dalise @Mary_dalise
Assistant: Sapphire Scotchmer @sapphyyy

When did your passion for photography start and what were the main milestones that turned you into the artist you currently are?

I fell in love with photography in the dark room, back when I was 15 at high school. A key mile stone for me was assisting some photographers that I admired. This allowed me to gain valuable experience and helped inspire my own business.

Dara, what are the biggest challenges do you experience in the photography field?

As a photographer, you have to balance a lot of things and keep on top of everything. For me personally, I am running a photography studio as well as taking my photographs. I love what I do so even though there may be challenges at times, I roll with the punches and could do it forever!

Tell us a bit more about your project "Visions". Is there any particular message you would like to get across to the viewers?

“Visions” is a passion project between me and my set stylist, it’s our ‘Vision’. This started simply by playing with shadows on an unrelated shoot and it evolved organically. I wanted to express how we all have the power to grow a simple idea into a beautiful piece of work you can be proud of. I encourage people who view my work to do everything they do from a place of love and surround themselves with like minded creatives who will understand your vision and encourage your work to flourish.

What gives you ideas and what inspires you to create your beautiful images?

Thank you for calling them beautiful! My inspiration comes from the most random places, from a scene in a movie to a sentence in a book. I see the world like I’m seeing it through my lens, I am constantly thinking "oh I must shoot here..." or “wow! look at the colour tones of this..". Colours tend to stand out the strongest to me which I aim to emphasise in my images.

You bring a very high production value to your work. What is your retouching/production philosophy? How important is Photoshop in your final images?

I think the less you need to use photoshop, the better. I use it as a tool to compliment my work and to establish the mood I am aiming for. Photoshop can push my work further in the editing stage.

From your own experience, what are the biggest challenges for an independent photographer?

Standing out from the crowd, in a overly saturated industry where 1000’s of people are aiming for the same end goal, I always ask myself- What can I do to make my work stand out? What can I learn here to better my images?

How important is it to stay up-to-date on the latest trends to be successful in what you do?

Very important, if you want to capture your audiences imagination and keep your work fresh. I aim to push current social issues through my imagery, I want my work to tell a story, to send out a message and to make my viewers take a moment and see what we are saying. For example on one of our shoots, the subject was about the positive changes we can all make to combat climate change.

What are you usually looking for in a fashion model? What is an "aha" factor for you?

They must be confident and truly know how to hold their body. When a model knows how to overcome any insecurities in front of the camera and connect with me the shoot will flow naturally.

What projects are you working on next, and what are your goals for the future?

I have a book full of ideas! So definitely keep an eye out to see what I am up to next ;) My dream is to see my work everywhere, on London bus' and in my favourite magazines like Vogue, Elle and Lucy’s! Malvie was on my magazine list so its great be here!

Where can we see more of your works and get connected with you?

My instagram is @daradorsmanphoto

and website is

I love connecting with people, so please don’t be shy and say hey!



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